Statement of the U.S. Alliance of Startups and Inventors for Jobs (USIJ) on the Nomination of Andrei Iancu to be Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
Chris Israel, Executive Director of USIJ, issued the following:
“USIJ congratulates Andrei Iancu on his nomination to serve as Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Mr. Iancu is one of the country’s top intellectual property lawyers, and the USPTO will benefit from his firsthand knowledge of how intellectual property policy affects stakeholders throughout America’s intellectual property ecosystem.
Mr. Iancu has represented plaintiffs and defendants in a wide array of industries, and we believe that he will be an independent leader capable of building consensus across the U.S. intellectual property landscape.
We hope that the Senate will move quickly to consider Mr. Iancu’s nomination. We look forward to working with Mr. Iancu to ensure that our nation remains a world leader in innovation, with an intellectual property system that supports American startups and inventors.”