USIJ Files Amicus Brief in Support of EcoFactor, Inc.

January 27, 2025
On Friday, January 24, 2025, the Alliance of U.S. Startups and Inventors for Jobs (USIJ) filed an amicus brief in support EcoFactor, Inc. in its case against Google LLC. The case centers on a judgment that Google infringed on EcoFactor’s patent, resulting in damages of $20,019,000. This highlights the challenges faced by small innovators in defending their patents against large corporations. USIJ argues that the original decision, which upheld a $20,019,000 judgment for patent infringement, was correct and underscores the need for a fair and reliable patent system. This case also exemplifies “predatory infringement,” where powerful corporations leverage their vast resources to overwhelm startups with costly litigation, stifling innovation and discouraging investment in critical technologies essential to economic growth and national security.
“The loss of entrepreneurial energy and investor enthusiasm for patent-intensive industries, which are among the sectors most important to national security and public welfare, has been one of the truly unfortunate casualties of allowing our patent system to deteriorate and weaken.”
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