Today, Senator Chris Coons and Representative Steve Stivers joined their colleagues to introduce the STRONGER Patents Act of 2019. The Alliance of U.S. Startups and Inventors for Jobs (USIJ) Executive Director Chris Israel issued the following statement:
“The Alliance of Startups and Inventors for Jobs applauds Senator Chris Coons, Representative Steve Stivers, and their colleagues for introducing the bipartisan and bicameral STRONGER Patents Act. The growth of the U.S. economy depends on dynamic startups and visionary entrepreneurs that push the boundaries of technology. These companies must in turn be supported by investors willing to share the risk involved with starting new companies and testing new markets. The strength and reliability of the U.S. patent system underpins this entire process.
The STRONGER Patents Act recognizes the critical nature of the patent system and will help reverse a troubling trend of legislation and litigation that has weakened it over the past decade.
The STRONGER Patents Act will make pragmatic and impactful improvements to U.S. patent law that will increase innovation, spur investment, protect U.S. intellectual property and make America more competitive. Improvements such as allowing inventors to again gain injunctive relief when their IP is infringed, restoring balance to the Inter Partes Review process at the USPTO, protecting small businesses from abusive demand letters and fully funding the USPTO will have a dramatic and positive effect on patent-intensive startups.
We applaud Senator Coons and Representative Stivers for their continued leadership on this issue and look forward to supporting efforts to advance the STRONGER Patents Act in the 116th Congress.”